- Ish~
Do you know what the "Ring Around the Rosy" song is really about?
- Rosy's gonna get married?
Have you ever looked at scenery and thought it would make a good painting?
- looked at scenery = yes, thought it'd make a good painting = no
Ryan Seacrest: annoying or entertaining?
- he's . . . okay~
Have you ever flushed a fish down the toilet after it died?
- No
You're at the movies. Do you choose seats in the front, middle, or back?
- the middle. depan sangat x siok
Do you believe the stories about the Bermuda Triangle?
- maybe... are they really really really true?
When you get pregnant (or impregnate), do you want to know the baby's sex?
- no; i want it to be a surprise
Would you like MTV to pimp your ride?
- yes please!!!!! L-M-A-O
Do you like to embarass your friends in public?
- no but i'm good at embarrassing myself in public :P
Who is one celebrity you'd NEVER want to meet, and why?
- local celebs + just 'cause = :X
Are you textually active?
- rarely~
Someone comes into the room you're in. What do you grab to defend yourself?
- ridsect
Do you eat cake with a spoon or fork?
- a fork
When you were younger, did you ever play MASH?
- no
What would you do if Publisher's Clearing House came to your front door?
- oh my, my room is very dirty. thank you
You're camping. Two choices: outhouse or in the woods? Choose one.
- outhouse; not in the woods 'cause i don't want to become like those three friends in the blair witch project... spooky
Do you keep movie/concert ticket stubs after they're over?
- no
Do you play air guitar?
- no
When you get a bucket of chicken, what parts do you go for first?
Did you ever make mud pies when you were little?
- i was born not-to-play-with-dirty-thi
Do you have reoccurring dreams or nightmares?
- once, someone calls my name with a creepy tone
Do you have split ends?
- do you mean my hair? no
If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you?
- yea i guess
What's the wierdest headline you've seen on the National Enquirer magazine?
- dont read it
Your friend has a huge visible booger! Do you tell him/her?
- depends
Ever pulled the "see-food" joke at the dinner table?
- lame~
What is the best kind of Pop-Tarts?
- none
If you were staying in a hotel & the fire alarm went off, would you freak?
- yea?
Have you ever talked to a person you didn't know in a different accent?
- yea and dang i'm telling you, it was hard ish
Could you perform CPR if necessary?
- depends if that person is cute ;P
If Miley Cyrus was stranded by the side of the road, would you pick her up?
- no but if it was justin gaston, yea!. L-M-A-O kidding~ no
Has a vending machine ever gratified you with free items?
- no
You see a $100 bill float by you on a windy day. Do you chase after it?
- kejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Have you ever actually SEEN a tornado?
- on tv
If the date was Friday the 13th, would you be extra cautious?
- no
Would you vote for your mom for president if you guys had different views?
- sorry mom, no
What subject are you most knowledgeable about?
- eat, sleep, tv, download, music
What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie?
- none; i dont like him
Why isn't Saturday Night Live funny anymore?
- never was?
Chairs are being thrown. Do you do the Jerry chant? "JERRY! JERRY!"
- L-O-L no i'd run
Does it honestly bother you when you look at someone's hair and see roots?
- no?
Your Internet is down. How do you spend your time now?
- watching movies
What Internet advertisement are you tired of seeing?
- pop-up ads; bangang
What is the first R-rated movie you saw?
- i think it was a music video. kot
Do you have a "lucky" item you carry with you often? What is it?
- nope
Do you whistle while you work?
- nope; i dont even know how
Have you ever kept a stray animal?
- no
Why does Disney keep making sequels?
- because they are good at it
Would you recommend someone to vacation where you live?
- no
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