If someone gets voted off, the judges can choose to save he/she and put him/her back in the competition. . . or not. They can save only one and only ONCE.
I guess when/if Gockey
I guess when/if Gockey
is in the bottom three, and IF he gets voted off ( which I highly think it won't happen, never ever ), the judges are going to use it on him; which is BLEEPTUTTCENSOREDPERIOD
But I hope that the judges will use it on someone else OR they will not get the chance to use it ( the judges can save 1 person from elimination once up until there are only 5 people left. )!. R-O-F-L-O-L-M-S-F-A-O!.
Gockey will win American Idol, which would be a crime against "e" but will probably happen 'cause people are "d"!. Wanna know why? Because usually, the people I dislike in any reality shows ended up winning the show like for example, Survivor, A-B-D-C, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice, Real World/Road Rules and of course, A-I itself ( remember when Daughtry got voted off? & Hicks won? !@#$%^&* )!.
Enough about hating; lets make love!.
1) Alexis Grace
2) Allison Iraheta
I seriously think they can win IF they consistently do well throughout the competition!.
P.S. I don't know why I'm being so "overrated" over these "I-won't-gain-anything-fro
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