I didn't know Word Challenge can be so addictive!. xD
But my "vocabs" suck! L-O-L.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Why do men . . . & why do women . . .
I got bored, went to Google.com to find something interesting to read so I wrote at the Google search bar, "why do men . . ."
The results;
1. How Do Men See You
2. Why Do Men Buy Sex
and this one is "L-O-L",
3. Why Do Men Have Nipples
O.o". Like, seriously?! I thought we were born with nipples. I mean everybody. And the "funny" thing is, why do people question men with nipples?. Asking why do men have nipples is like asking why do women have vajajays! Hellarious! But don't get me wrong. It's not like I've never questioned things around me like why do men have dicks and why do women have breats. xD. It's just that, I found this funny! R-O-F-L-O-L-M-nipples-O muahahahaha~
I also did "why do women . . ."
The results;
1. Why do women get their asses kicked
2. Why do women need to be perfect
3. Why do women not prefer nice guys
14. Why do women have babies
O.o". "L-O-L"
The results;
1. How Do Men See You
2. Why Do Men Buy Sex
and this one is "L-O-L",
3. Why Do Men Have Nipples
O.o". Like, seriously?! I thought we were born with nipples. I mean everybody. And the "funny" thing is, why do people question men with nipples?. Asking why do men have nipples is like asking why do women have vajajays! Hellarious! But don't get me wrong. It's not like I've never questioned things around me like why do men have dicks and why do women have breats. xD. It's just that, I found this funny! R-O-F-L-O-L-M-nipples-O muahahahaha~
I also did "why do women . . ."
The results;
1. Why do women get their asses kicked
2. Why do women need to be perfect
3. Why do women not prefer nice guys
14. Why do women have babies
O.o". "L-O-L"
8ight Silly Pickup Lines!.
1. I was gay until I met you. . . . L-O-L my fav
2. If you were a booger, I will pick you. . . . EUW
3. You wanna sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? . . . xD
4. Do you own a chicken coop? B/c you raise a lot of cocks . . . O.o"
5. "baby, why go to red lobster when the catch of the day is right here?"
6. "i wish i was your problem set, because then i'd be really hard, and you'd be doing me on the desk"
7. Did you just fart? Cos you blew me away . . . hahahahahha
8. Nice legs. What time do they open?
2. If you were a booger, I will pick you. . . . EUW
3. You wanna sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? . . . xD
4. Do you own a chicken coop? B/c you raise a lot of cocks . . . O.o"
5. "baby, why go to red lobster when the catch of the day is right here?"
6. "i wish i was your problem set, because then i'd be really hard, and you'd be doing me on the desk"
7. Did you just fart? Cos you blew me away . . . hahahahahha
8. Nice legs. What time do they open?
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Get Out! Please"
My life is full with OH-MY-GOD!-WHAT-IS-WRONG-WITH-YOU?!.
I'm not EVIL..
I'm just, . . . a bad-human-be-confus-ing!.
I know what I did was wrong~
And I can change; people change but most of them don't!.
I know I can because I stopped doing one of those bad things I used to do when I was a ooh-that-was-fun-and-I-don't-think-people-would-caught-me-doing-this!.
Thank God I managed to stop doing it..:)
There are 4our bad things left that I need to stop doing..
Oh I hope God will help me with my mission in order to become a good-human-be-fresh-ing!. :)
I'm not EVIL..
I'm just, . . . a bad-human-be-confus-ing!.
I know what I did was wrong~
And I can change; people change but most of them don't!.
I know I can because I stopped doing one of those bad things I used to do when I was a ooh-that-was-fun-and-I-don
Thank God I managed to stop doing it..:)
There are 4our bad things left that I need to stop doing..
Oh I hope God will help me with my mission in order to become a good-human-be-fresh-ing!. :)
Last Night~ And Soon . . .
I think that Danny G is for sure going to be in the top 2 ( bleep ) and most probably, Adam L will compete against him at the finale show ( ;))) ), BUTs
1) if Allison I consistently do well throughout the competition, I think she can beat Adam L ( :((( )!.
2) and, currently there are rumors about Adam is Gay.. and there are photos of him lip-locking with another guy..will those photos affect his votes?!
P.S. those are my top 3 but hopefully and i really really really wish that Danny G won't make it to the top 2 Amin!. R-O-F-L-O-L-M-A-O
Kris A, Matt G, Michael S, Anoop D, Scott M, Lil R and Megan G;
1) Kris A might reach the top 3 but he's not going to win
2) Matt G also might reach top 3 but then again, he's not going to win
3) Michael S is going home tomorrow...maybe (bottom 3 tomorrow)
4) Anoop D also might be going home tomorrow~ (bottom 3 tomorrow)
5) Or maybe Scott M~ (bottom 3 tomorrow)
6) people might keep Lil R for awhile
7) And Megan G too~
1) if Allison I consistently do well throughout the competition, I think she can beat Adam L ( :((( )!.
2) and, currently there are rumors about Adam is Gay.. and there are photos of him lip-locking with another guy..will those photos affect his votes?!
P.S. those are my top 3 but hopefully and i really really really wish that Danny G won't make it to the top 2 Amin!. R-O-F-L-O-L-M-A-O
Kris A, Matt G, Michael S, Anoop D, Scott M, Lil R and Megan G;
1) Kris A might reach the top 3 but he's not going to win
2) Matt G also might reach top 3 but then again, he's not going to win
3) Michael S is going home tomorrow...maybe (bottom 3 tomorrow)
4) Anoop D also might be going home tomorrow~ (bottom 3 tomorrow)
5) Or maybe Scott M~ (bottom 3 tomorrow)
6) people might keep Lil R for awhile
7) And Megan G too~
P.S. i loved what he did to his hair today ( the picture is still not available )..very-the-zefron-ish!. ;D
Randy - :Unbelievably hot!"
Kara - "One of the best performances of the night."
Paula - "Very handsome and classy. You are exciting."
Simon - "It was THE best performance of the night. You tonight really have emerged as a star."
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I Got Bored!
Does the music you listen to influence your emotions?
- Ish~
Do you know what the "Ring Around the Rosy" song is really about?
- Rosy's gonna get married?
Have you ever looked at scenery and thought it would make a good painting?
- looked at scenery = yes, thought it'd make a good painting = no
Ryan Seacrest: annoying or entertaining?
- he's . . . okay~
Have you ever flushed a fish down the toilet after it died?
- No
You're at the movies. Do you choose seats in the front, middle, or back?
- the middle. depan sangat x siok
Do you believe the stories about the Bermuda Triangle?
- maybe... are they really really really true?
When you get pregnant (or impregnate), do you want to know the baby's sex?
- no; i want it to be a surprise
Would you like MTV to pimp your ride?
- yes please!!!!! L-M-A-O
Do you like to embarass your friends in public?
- no but i'm good at embarrassing myself in public :P
Who is one celebrity you'd NEVER want to meet, and why?
- local celebs + just 'cause = :X
Are you textually active?
- rarely~
Someone comes into the room you're in. What do you grab to defend yourself?
- ridsect
Do you eat cake with a spoon or fork?
- a fork
When you were younger, did you ever play MASH?
- no
What would you do if Publisher's Clearing House came to your front door?
- oh my, my room is very dirty. thank you
You're camping. Two choices: outhouse or in the woods? Choose one.
- outhouse; not in the woods 'cause i don't want to become like those three friends in the blair witch project... spooky
Do you keep movie/concert ticket stubs after they're over?
- no
Do you play air guitar?
- no
When you get a bucket of chicken, what parts do you go for first?
Did you ever make mud pies when you were little?
- i was born not-to-play-with-dirty-things L-M-A-O
Do you have reoccurring dreams or nightmares?
- once, someone calls my name with a creepy tone
Do you have split ends?
- do you mean my hair? no
If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you?
- yea i guess
What's the wierdest headline you've seen on the National Enquirer magazine?
- dont read it
Your friend has a huge visible booger! Do you tell him/her?
- depends
Ever pulled the "see-food" joke at the dinner table?
- lame~
What is the best kind of Pop-Tarts?
- none
If you were staying in a hotel & the fire alarm went off, would you freak?
- yea?
Have you ever talked to a person you didn't know in a different accent?
- yea and dang i'm telling you, it was hard ish
Could you perform CPR if necessary?
- depends if that person is cute ;P
If Miley Cyrus was stranded by the side of the road, would you pick her up?
- no but if it was justin gaston, yea!. L-M-A-O kidding~ no
Has a vending machine ever gratified you with free items?
- no
You see a $100 bill float by you on a windy day. Do you chase after it?
- kejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar~
Have you ever actually SEEN a tornado?
- on tv
If the date was Friday the 13th, would you be extra cautious?
- no
Would you vote for your mom for president if you guys had different views?
- sorry mom, no
What subject are you most knowledgeable about?
- eat, sleep, tv, download, music
What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie?
- none; i dont like him
Why isn't Saturday Night Live funny anymore?
- never was?
Chairs are being thrown. Do you do the Jerry chant? "JERRY! JERRY!"
- L-O-L no i'd run
Does it honestly bother you when you look at someone's hair and see roots?
- no?
Your Internet is down. How do you spend your time now?
- watching movies
What Internet advertisement are you tired of seeing?
- pop-up ads; bangang
What is the first R-rated movie you saw?
- i think it was a music video. kot
Do you have a "lucky" item you carry with you often? What is it?
- nope
Do you whistle while you work?
- nope; i dont even know how
Have you ever kept a stray animal?
- no
Why does Disney keep making sequels?
- because they are good at it
Would you recommend someone to vacation where you live?
- no
- Ish~
Do you know what the "Ring Around the Rosy" song is really about?
- Rosy's gonna get married?
Have you ever looked at scenery and thought it would make a good painting?
- looked at scenery = yes, thought it'd make a good painting = no
Ryan Seacrest: annoying or entertaining?
- he's . . . okay~
Have you ever flushed a fish down the toilet after it died?
- No
You're at the movies. Do you choose seats in the front, middle, or back?
- the middle. depan sangat x siok
Do you believe the stories about the Bermuda Triangle?
- maybe... are they really really really true?
When you get pregnant (or impregnate), do you want to know the baby's sex?
- no; i want it to be a surprise
Would you like MTV to pimp your ride?
- yes please!!!!! L-M-A-O
Do you like to embarass your friends in public?
- no but i'm good at embarrassing myself in public :P
Who is one celebrity you'd NEVER want to meet, and why?
- local celebs + just 'cause = :X
Are you textually active?
- rarely~
Someone comes into the room you're in. What do you grab to defend yourself?
- ridsect
Do you eat cake with a spoon or fork?
- a fork
When you were younger, did you ever play MASH?
- no
What would you do if Publisher's Clearing House came to your front door?
- oh my, my room is very dirty. thank you
You're camping. Two choices: outhouse or in the woods? Choose one.
- outhouse; not in the woods 'cause i don't want to become like those three friends in the blair witch project... spooky
Do you keep movie/concert ticket stubs after they're over?
- no
Do you play air guitar?
- no
When you get a bucket of chicken, what parts do you go for first?
Did you ever make mud pies when you were little?
- i was born not-to-play-with-dirty-thi
Do you have reoccurring dreams or nightmares?
- once, someone calls my name with a creepy tone
Do you have split ends?
- do you mean my hair? no
If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you?
- yea i guess
What's the wierdest headline you've seen on the National Enquirer magazine?
- dont read it
Your friend has a huge visible booger! Do you tell him/her?
- depends
Ever pulled the "see-food" joke at the dinner table?
- lame~
What is the best kind of Pop-Tarts?
- none
If you were staying in a hotel & the fire alarm went off, would you freak?
- yea?
Have you ever talked to a person you didn't know in a different accent?
- yea and dang i'm telling you, it was hard ish
Could you perform CPR if necessary?
- depends if that person is cute ;P
If Miley Cyrus was stranded by the side of the road, would you pick her up?
- no but if it was justin gaston, yea!. L-M-A-O kidding~ no
Has a vending machine ever gratified you with free items?
- no
You see a $100 bill float by you on a windy day. Do you chase after it?
- kejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Have you ever actually SEEN a tornado?
- on tv
If the date was Friday the 13th, would you be extra cautious?
- no
Would you vote for your mom for president if you guys had different views?
- sorry mom, no
What subject are you most knowledgeable about?
- eat, sleep, tv, download, music
What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie?
- none; i dont like him
Why isn't Saturday Night Live funny anymore?
- never was?
Chairs are being thrown. Do you do the Jerry chant? "JERRY! JERRY!"
- L-O-L no i'd run
Does it honestly bother you when you look at someone's hair and see roots?
- no?
Your Internet is down. How do you spend your time now?
- watching movies
What Internet advertisement are you tired of seeing?
- pop-up ads; bangang
What is the first R-rated movie you saw?
- i think it was a music video. kot
Do you have a "lucky" item you carry with you often? What is it?
- nope
Do you whistle while you work?
- nope; i dont even know how
Have you ever kept a stray animal?
- no
Why does Disney keep making sequels?
- because they are good at it
Would you recommend someone to vacation where you live?
- no
Monday, March 23, 2009
My marriage age is 24..O.o".."L-O-L"
How old are you going to be when you get married?
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is_25_"
[] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x]You keep track of dates using a calendar
[] You own more than one credit card
[] You know how to change the oil in a car
[] You do your own laundry
[] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[] You think politics are exciting...
[] You balance your own checkbook
[x] Your parents have better things to say than your friends...
Total: 3
[x]You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[]You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows.
[] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 6
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[x] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[] You pay attention at school/college
[] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 6
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[x] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[x] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 7
[] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[] You have been to a Tupperware party
[] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[] You have more bills than you can pay
[] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 2
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is_25_"
[] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x]You keep track of dates using a calendar
[] You own more than one credit card
[] You know how to change the oil in a car
[] You do your own laundry
[] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[] You think politics are exciting...
[] You balance your own checkbook
[x] Your parents have better things to say than your friends...
Total: 3
[x]You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[]You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows.
[] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 6
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[x] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[] You pay attention at school/college
[] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 6
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[x] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[x] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 7
[] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[] You have been to a Tupperware party
[] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[] You have more bills than you can pay
[] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 2
Saturday, March 21, 2009
abc . . . zkjwghytlolbvpnzrstfxdeimqu!.
A : You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Awesome kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : You like to cuddle
M : Best kisser ever.
N: You like to cheat
O: Easy to fall in love with.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Easy to fall in love with.
S : Fucking crazy.
T : Easy to fall in love with.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You like to peep
Y : Best gf/bf anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.
F : You are dead sexy.
A : You like to drink.
I : You are great in bed.
Z : Always ready.
A : You like to drink.
L : You like to cuddle.
- just for the sake of FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! xD
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Awesome kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : You like to cuddle
M : Best kisser ever.
N: You like to cheat
O: Easy to fall in love with.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Easy to fall in love with.
S : Fucking crazy.
T : Easy to fall in love with.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You like to peep
Y : Best gf/bf anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.
F : You are dead sexy.
A : You like to drink.
I : You are great in bed.
Z : Always ready.
A : You like to drink.
L : You like to cuddle.
- just for the sake of FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! xD
Friday, March 20, 2009
25 reasons why . . .
25 reasons why I won’t write a “25 things” note on Facebook
Rob Ryan
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The opinions represented in this article do not necessarily represent those of the staff of CUIndependent.com nor any of its sponsors.
If you've logged on to Facebook in the last month or so, chances are you've been tagged by a note with a title something along the lines of "25 things." These notes have decended upon Facebook like so many locusts, even managing to spill their way onto the pages of USA Today not too long ago. Well, I for one will have no part of it, and I'll give you 25 reasons why.
1. They’re a waste of time: Yes, I realize Facebook is, by definition, a waste of time, but, even on Facebook, I can think of better things to do with my time than think of 25 random facts that maybe 12 people will care about.
2. They waste other people’s time: If you tag someone in the note, they feel compelled to waste their time writing one because you took the time to do it yourself. It’s a guilt trip.
3. They’re annoying: I don’t want to have myself tagged over and over and over again in these notes when they have nothing to do with me.
4. They’re self-indulgent: Let’s see…how can improve my self-esteem without actually doing anything concrete or productive…? I know! I’ll write 25 things about myself that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
5. They’re pretentious: Saying something is self-indulgent and pretentious is kind of redundant, but those notes scream to the world: “Look how cool/funny/special/sentimental I am! Listen to me!”
6. They don’t really contribute anything of worth to a relationship: The preface in all of these notes goes something along the lines of: “So I want you all to know a little more about me, and I want to know a little bit more about you so write your own.” The problem with this theory is that writing Facebook notes hardly qualifies as meaningful interaction, which is what real friendships and relationships are built on.
7. They state the obvious: “I love my friends.” Well, they wouldn’t be your friends if you didn’t. “I’m nervous about the future and/or graduating.” The economy sucks and we’re college students; we’re all nervous.
8. They’re riddled with clichés: Similarly to number seven, these notes are filled with trite comments such as “I love my cat/dog/reptile/horse/obnoxious-pet-nobody’s-heard-of.” Or the ever-popular “I studied abroad and it was SO much cooler than here.”
9. They say things that are already somewhere else: Let’s face it, Facebook gives users ample opportunities to put up all kinds of information. But it tends to get repeated in different variations or in different applications. The main page asks you to list your interests and activities, so you list them there, only to metaphorically stutter and list them again in your “25 things” notes. Nothing new has been added.
10. They’re just another in a long line of equally pointless Facebook fads: Quizzes about yourself that you send on to your friends, the “ABCs of randomness” I got from my ex-girlfriend, an even longer “50 things about me,” -- the list doesn’t stop. I didn’t do any of those then, and I’m certainly not about to start now.
11. They pigeonhole people’s identities: Allow me to wax philosophic for a moment. People aren’t statistics, and you can’t sum them up with a series of statements, facts or goals. Getting to really know someone requires effort and a lot of face-to-face time. This trend of trying to make everyone fit in a neat little statistical box and simply communicating via text or instant messaging isn’t healthy.
12. I don’t really want to know about some these people: I’ll be frank here by saying that of my 150 or so Facebook friends, I regularly talk to or care about maybe 20 of them. I’ll check in on the rest of them every once in a while and wish them happy birthday or whatever, but I don’t need to hear from the rest of them. I honestly just do not care, and I certainly don’t need their miniature life story wasting my bandwidth.
13. There’s no reward for taking the time to write one: Seriously, what would I get out of doing this? I don’t work for free.
14. They’re boring to read: Life goals…yawn. Favorite sports team….yeah, okay. Best class in school….give me a break.
15. They don’t even do what they’re supposed to do: I’m guessing the originator of “25 things” thought, “This will be a great way for people to find out more about their friends.” But the notes I’ve seen are mostly comprised of the aforementioned clichés or stupidly obvious information. It’s rare to see something that actually sheds a new or different light on someone.
16. They promote the continuing erosion of personal privacy: This might be a stretch, but hear me out. Thanks to the Internet and iPhones and all that jazz, people are in contact with each more than ever. Some people like the constant contact but you know what? I like my private time; I don’t need to be in uninterrupted communication with everyone I know. And Facebook notes asking me to put up information on myself are another intrusion on my privacy. Call me paranoid, but I don’t feel the need to broadcast information about myself to the entire world.
17. My own note, were I to write one, would be boring: I think I’m unique in many ways, but most of them aren’t interesting to other people. Why waste their time and energy as well as my own?
18. They don’t strike me as very fun: I’ll admit that I often do things that may not be very beneficial for me for the simple reason that they’re fun (World of Warcraft comes to mind). I’ve already mentioned the reasons why writing a “25 things” note wouldn’t be beneficial, but it also doesn’t strike me as any fun.
19. I’m rather embarrassed of my previous attempts at Facebook notes: I’ll admit it, I once posted a pseudo-emo rant and rave about a couple things that were pissing me off, including (cough) the Campus Press. Those of you privileged enough to be my Facebook friends can look it up. It’s one of my lesser moments as a writer, and I’d rather not tempt fate by trying again.
20. I’d rather not spend more time on Facebook than absolutely necessary: I have friends (real friends, not Facebook friends) who devote entirely too much of their days on Facebook. To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, there’s nothing wrong with that; I just don’t want to be one of those people.
21. There are better timewasters on the Internet: Spring training has started, I have to look up some movie on IMDB and watching the ShamWow commercial on YouTube never gets old. No time for Facebook notes.
22. Have I mentioned they’re obnoxious? Check.
23. Pretentious? Clear on that one.
24. Intrusive? I think I’ve made that clear.
25. Because I just don’t want to: There, I said it.
Woah~ I'm guilty!. wakakakakakaka
Rob Ryan
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The opinions represented in this article do not necessarily represent those of the staff of CUIndependent.com nor any of its sponsors.
If you've logged on to Facebook in the last month or so, chances are you've been tagged by a note with a title something along the lines of "25 things." These notes have decended upon Facebook like so many locusts, even managing to spill their way onto the pages of USA Today not too long ago. Well, I for one will have no part of it, and I'll give you 25 reasons why.
1. They’re a waste of time: Yes, I realize Facebook is, by definition, a waste of time, but, even on Facebook, I can think of better things to do with my time than think of 25 random facts that maybe 12 people will care about.
2. They waste other people’s time: If you tag someone in the note, they feel compelled to waste their time writing one because you took the time to do it yourself. It’s a guilt trip.
3. They’re annoying: I don’t want to have myself tagged over and over and over again in these notes when they have nothing to do with me.
4. They’re self-indulgent: Let’s see…how can improve my self-esteem without actually doing anything concrete or productive…? I know! I’ll write 25 things about myself that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
5. They’re pretentious: Saying something is self-indulgent and pretentious is kind of redundant, but those notes scream to the world: “Look how cool/funny/special/sentime
6. They don’t really contribute anything of worth to a relationship: The preface in all of these notes goes something along the lines of: “So I want you all to know a little more about me, and I want to know a little bit more about you so write your own.” The problem with this theory is that writing Facebook notes hardly qualifies as meaningful interaction, which is what real friendships and relationships are built on.
7. They state the obvious: “I love my friends.” Well, they wouldn’t be your friends if you didn’t. “I’m nervous about the future and/or graduating.” The economy sucks and we’re college students; we’re all nervous.
8. They’re riddled with clichés: Similarly to number seven, these notes are filled with trite comments such as “I love my cat/dog/reptile/horse/obno
9. They say things that are already somewhere else: Let’s face it, Facebook gives users ample opportunities to put up all kinds of information. But it tends to get repeated in different variations or in different applications. The main page asks you to list your interests and activities, so you list them there, only to metaphorically stutter and list them again in your “25 things” notes. Nothing new has been added.
10. They’re just another in a long line of equally pointless Facebook fads: Quizzes about yourself that you send on to your friends, the “ABCs of randomness” I got from my ex-girlfriend, an even longer “50 things about me,” -- the list doesn’t stop. I didn’t do any of those then, and I’m certainly not about to start now.
11. They pigeonhole people’s identities: Allow me to wax philosophic for a moment. People aren’t statistics, and you can’t sum them up with a series of statements, facts or goals. Getting to really know someone requires effort and a lot of face-to-face time. This trend of trying to make everyone fit in a neat little statistical box and simply communicating via text or instant messaging isn’t healthy.
12. I don’t really want to know about some these people: I’ll be frank here by saying that of my 150 or so Facebook friends, I regularly talk to or care about maybe 20 of them. I’ll check in on the rest of them every once in a while and wish them happy birthday or whatever, but I don’t need to hear from the rest of them. I honestly just do not care, and I certainly don’t need their miniature life story wasting my bandwidth.
13. There’s no reward for taking the time to write one: Seriously, what would I get out of doing this? I don’t work for free.
14. They’re boring to read: Life goals…yawn. Favorite sports team….yeah, okay. Best class in school….give me a break.
15. They don’t even do what they’re supposed to do: I’m guessing the originator of “25 things” thought, “This will be a great way for people to find out more about their friends.” But the notes I’ve seen are mostly comprised of the aforementioned clichés or stupidly obvious information. It’s rare to see something that actually sheds a new or different light on someone.
16. They promote the continuing erosion of personal privacy: This might be a stretch, but hear me out. Thanks to the Internet and iPhones and all that jazz, people are in contact with each more than ever. Some people like the constant contact but you know what? I like my private time; I don’t need to be in uninterrupted communication with everyone I know. And Facebook notes asking me to put up information on myself are another intrusion on my privacy. Call me paranoid, but I don’t feel the need to broadcast information about myself to the entire world.
17. My own note, were I to write one, would be boring: I think I’m unique in many ways, but most of them aren’t interesting to other people. Why waste their time and energy as well as my own?
18. They don’t strike me as very fun: I’ll admit that I often do things that may not be very beneficial for me for the simple reason that they’re fun (World of Warcraft comes to mind). I’ve already mentioned the reasons why writing a “25 things” note wouldn’t be beneficial, but it also doesn’t strike me as any fun.
19. I’m rather embarrassed of my previous attempts at Facebook notes: I’ll admit it, I once posted a pseudo-emo rant and rave about a couple things that were pissing me off, including (cough) the Campus Press. Those of you privileged enough to be my Facebook friends can look it up. It’s one of my lesser moments as a writer, and I’d rather not tempt fate by trying again.
20. I’d rather not spend more time on Facebook than absolutely necessary: I have friends (real friends, not Facebook friends) who devote entirely too much of their days on Facebook. To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, there’s nothing wrong with that; I just don’t want to be one of those people.
21. There are better timewasters on the Internet: Spring training has started, I have to look up some movie on IMDB and watching the ShamWow commercial on YouTube never gets old. No time for Facebook notes.
22. Have I mentioned they’re obnoxious? Check.
23. Pretentious? Clear on that one.
24. Intrusive? I think I’ve made that clear.
25. Because I just don’t want to: There, I said it.
Woah~ I'm guilty!. wakakakakakaka
* Alexis Grace, 21 (born June 9, 1987), from Memphis, Tennessee – a stay-at-home mom who auditioned in Louisville, Kentucky with the song Doctor Feelgood by Mötley Crüe. She had auditioned twice previously for American Idol, without making it to Hollywood. Has a young daughter and is engaged to marry the child's father. After her Top 36 performance, Cowell compared her to Kelly Clarkson.
1. "I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)" (Aretha Franklin)
2. "Dirty Diana" (Michael Jackson)
3. "Jolene" (Dolly Parton) - Eliminated March 18, 2009
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1. "I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)" (Aretha Franklin)
2. "Dirty Diana" (Michael Jackson)
3. "Jolene" (Dolly Parton) - Eliminated March 18, 2009
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This Is Sick 1ne
A : So there I was in this hallway right . . . with !@#$%^&* . . .
B : I believe I speak for all of us when I say...
P.S. C added
P.S. D added
SO WHAT DID YOU SAY TO THAT FAG? *sarcastic-tone*
P.S. as for E, in his mind,
"if only I had the balls like them to just smack that shitty face of her!."
After that "uncomfortable" event happened, I asked them the next day, why?. And D told me that, "if you don’t have the balls to be hated, then you don’t deserve to be loved."
True, in a way~ :|
But I'ma bit lost O.o"
kcissisiht, ✖ ә.|ySp ✖
B : I believe I speak for all of us when I say...
P.S. C added
P.S. D added
SO WHAT DID YOU SAY TO THAT FAG? *sarcastic-tone*
P.S. as for E, in his mind,
"if only I had the balls like them to just smack that shitty face of her!."
After that "uncomfortable" event happened, I asked them the next day, why?. And D told me that, "if you don’t have the balls to be hated, then you don’t deserve to be loved."
True, in a way~ :|
But I'ma bit lost O.o"
kcissisiht, ✖ ә.|ySp ✖
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
New Rules . . . Hope It's not For Gokey
If someone gets voted off, the judges can choose to save he/she and put him/her back in the competition. . . or not. They can save only one and only ONCE.
I guess when/if Gockey
I guess when/if Gockey
is in the bottom three, and IF he gets voted off ( which I highly think it won't happen, never ever ), the judges are going to use it on him; which is BLEEPTUTTCENSOREDPERIOD
But I hope that the judges will use it on someone else OR they will not get the chance to use it ( the judges can save 1 person from elimination once up until there are only 5 people left. )!. R-O-F-L-O-L-M-S-F-A-O!.
Gockey will win American Idol, which would be a crime against "e" but will probably happen 'cause people are "d"!. Wanna know why? Because usually, the people I dislike in any reality shows ended up winning the show like for example, Survivor, A-B-D-C, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice, Real World/Road Rules and of course, A-I itself ( remember when Daughtry got voted off? & Hicks won? !@#$%^&* )!.
Enough about hating; lets make love!.
1) Alexis Grace
2) Allison Iraheta
I seriously think they can win IF they consistently do well throughout the competition!.
P.S. I don't know why I'm being so "overrated" over these "I-won't-gain-anything-fro
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Crews . . . A-B-D-C
Season 1
1) Jabbawockeez are the best! I can understand why America chose them!. Episode 4our when they did the Superman trick, it was beautifully-creative!
1) Jabbawockeez are the best! I can understand why America chose them!. Episode 4our when they did the Superman trick, it was beautifully-creative!
2) But personally, I like Kaba Modern A LAWT more!
P.S. especially Yuri! xD
I love the robotic dance in episodes 1ne and 2wo!
Season 2
1) Now, for the Season 2 winner, I'm clueless!. Supercrew? Like, seriously?. They didn't deserve to win and they should've been out the first time they were in the bottom 2 imoPERIOD
2) Fanny Pak the kids from the 80's = love them! Get Ur Freak On = Originallly-kicked-arse!.
3) Supreme Soul should've won ABDC Season 2 imo!. At least they danced, rather than Supercrew with their !@#$%^&* stunts!
Season 3
1) Okay, whatever!. I won't gain anything from this. I don't like Quest Crew. But what they did in episode 7even, beat B-F's Hot N Cold & Freeze!. & guess what? They won! x|
2) Beat Freaks = An All-female Crew = Should've won B.U.T MTV is all polidicksPERIOD! :X The Hot N Cold dance, just superb!. Womanizer? sexay~ Anyway, I just love them~ Hope they will do well in the future!. Fighting Beat Freaks! xD
P.S. I H.E.A.R.T Rino!. ;D
3) After watching ABDC season 3 all over again, I slowly fell in like with the Fly Khicks!. aha~ Seriously, THEY DANCE!. Who can forget the bootay shakin? L-O-L!. They did best when they danced to Britney's Oops I Did It Again!.
Season 4
Whoever wins, good for them!. P.S. won't be watching anymore, I GUESS!. xP
Friday, March 6, 2009
And The Winner Goes To . . .
= I really really REALLY hope Beat Freaks win this season!. It would be nice to see an all-female crew finally win this competition!. Uargh~ Quest Crew was awesome, but, I think B-F deserves to win!. They rocked Weeks 1 (Din Daa Daa" by George Kranz), 3 (Womanizer by Britney Spears), 5 (Freeze by T-Pain featuring Chris Brown) & 6 (Hot N Cold by Katy Perry)!. It sucks to see people saying that, "doesn't really matter if they win or not"!. It really does matter, like frickin' syhit!. aha~ but anywho, go B-F!. xD
= but why did he !@#$%^&* when the judges didn't "feel" his crew? urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Big L
Today I watched The Biggest Loser on Hallmark Channel.
I was shocked to know that one of the contestants gained weight, even though he exercised and he followed healthy diet.
Me? I eat those high in calorie foods, mostly junkies and chocs and I eat a lot and I rarely exercise these days and my weight is still the same/sometimes I lose 0.5/1kg!. O.o"!.
Uargh~ I feel like I want to eat someone!.
Any volunteer?. xD
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
10 Ways To Attract Any Woman
When most guys set out to impress a woman they do all the wrong things. Here are 10 ways you can set yourself apart from the 39 other lame guys she’s met, and I guarantee that she’s both impressed and intrigued by you.
10.Be original
- dinner? X. do fun things that she doesn’t get to do with anyone else. Take her on a bike ride or to the park to play Frisbee or to a tiny Italian cafe that has a fascinating story behind it. Sneak up to the top floor of the highest building in the city or take her to a playground and go on the swings.
9. Stay in control
- Women like a man with a plan; when you call her up, don’t make her “work” by having to make any decisions. Let her know exactly what time you are picking her up, where you are taking her and what she should wear. When you get to wherever you are going, decide what you are going to do there, and where and how you are going to do it. Let her sit back and relax while you take care of the details.
8. Be chivalrous
- Being chivalrous is a powerful way to let a woman know that you’re the man and she’s in good hands. Open doors for her and pull out her chair. When you’re walking down the street, make sure you always walk on the outside of the curb, and tell her why you’re doing it. Put your hand on the small of her back when walking into a restaurant or across the street.
7. Be cool
- Don’t be the type of guy that sweats the small stuff… like an unreturned phone call. Simply pretend you were too busy to even notice that she forgot to call you back. She’ll probably assume you were busy with other women -- which is always a good thing.
6. Be mysterious
- Too many guys make the mistake of throwing their entire lives on the table when they meet a woman they are interested in. So, be different and hold some things back -- especially those that people might consider impressive. People are much more impressed by the accomplishments of others when they “discover” them rather than being told about them. For instance, if she asks you what you drive and you happen to drive a nice car, tell her you ride a motor scooter. When she finds out the truth, she’ll be impressed not only with your vehicle, but also your sense of humor and modesty.
5. Have a life
- The one thing that all men who are really successful with women have in common is that they all have great lives of their own, and they don’t need a woman in their lives to be happy. Women find this extremely attractive. It’s easy for a woman to land a guy that “needs” her, but when she meets a guy that has a successful and happy life already, she’ll do whatever she can to convince him that she should be a part of it. So, find some things that you are passionate about, whether it be hobbies, sports or business pursuits, and make them your main priorities instead of her. Keep yourself active and well-rounded -- and let her be the one to try to chase you down.
4. Be unpredictable
- The single biggest mistake men make with women is being predictable. You’d think women would appreciate it if they knew exactly when you were going to call and what you were going to do when you got together, but in reality it kills the two biggest things women long for in a relationship: excitement and anticipation. So don’t always call exactly when you say you will. Invite her over to take her out to dinner, and take her straight to the bedroom instead. Invite her over to get physical, and instead take her out to dinner. Are you beginning to get the picture?
3. Make her earn it
- I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying that states that “people don’t value what they don’t have to work for.” Well, the same holds true for women and dating. If you’re putting in all of the effort in the relationship, she won’t value you or appreciate your time. So make sure she’s calling you as much if not more often then you’re calling her. Have her come over to your house and pick you up every once in a while, and ask her to help you out with small favors here and there. The more work she puts into the relationship, the more she’ll value it -- and the more she’ll want to get out of it (and that includes sex).
2. Make a move
- After she’s proved herself to you, it’s time to be a man and make a move. Women don’t respect a man who doesn’t have the guts to go for that first kiss -- or anything else -- so don’t let her down. Making a move will make her feel sexy and attractive, and it will show her that you are the type of confident, powerful man she is looking for.
1. Be casual
- The last thing a woman wants is a guy who starts calling her 10 times a day after they’ve had a fun night out. If you start acting like you’re ready for marriage after the first date -- or even the fifth -- you might as well have the words “I’m desperate!” tattooed across your forehead. Instead, keep things cool. Don’t rush into anything, and let her be the one to take things to the next level. She’ll respect you more and you’ll have a far better chance of ending up in the great relationship you are looking for.
P.S. aha~ overrated!.
10.Be original
- dinner? X. do fun things that she doesn’t get to do with anyone else. Take her on a bike ride or to the park to play Frisbee or to a tiny Italian cafe that has a fascinating story behind it. Sneak up to the top floor of the highest building in the city or take her to a playground and go on the swings.
9. Stay in control
- Women like a man with a plan; when you call her up, don’t make her “work” by having to make any decisions. Let her know exactly what time you are picking her up, where you are taking her and what she should wear. When you get to wherever you are going, decide what you are going to do there, and where and how you are going to do it. Let her sit back and relax while you take care of the details.
8. Be chivalrous
- Being chivalrous is a powerful way to let a woman know that you’re the man and she’s in good hands. Open doors for her and pull out her chair. When you’re walking down the street, make sure you always walk on the outside of the curb, and tell her why you’re doing it. Put your hand on the small of her back when walking into a restaurant or across the street.
7. Be cool
- Don’t be the type of guy that sweats the small stuff… like an unreturned phone call. Simply pretend you were too busy to even notice that she forgot to call you back. She’ll probably assume you were busy with other women -- which is always a good thing.
6. Be mysterious
- Too many guys make the mistake of throwing their entire lives on the table when they meet a woman they are interested in. So, be different and hold some things back -- especially those that people might consider impressive. People are much more impressed by the accomplishments of others when they “discover” them rather than being told about them. For instance, if she asks you what you drive and you happen to drive a nice car, tell her you ride a motor scooter. When she finds out the truth, she’ll be impressed not only with your vehicle, but also your sense of humor and modesty.
5. Have a life
- The one thing that all men who are really successful with women have in common is that they all have great lives of their own, and they don’t need a woman in their lives to be happy. Women find this extremely attractive. It’s easy for a woman to land a guy that “needs” her, but when she meets a guy that has a successful and happy life already, she’ll do whatever she can to convince him that she should be a part of it. So, find some things that you are passionate about, whether it be hobbies, sports or business pursuits, and make them your main priorities instead of her. Keep yourself active and well-rounded -- and let her be the one to try to chase you down.
4. Be unpredictable
- The single biggest mistake men make with women is being predictable. You’d think women would appreciate it if they knew exactly when you were going to call and what you were going to do when you got together, but in reality it kills the two biggest things women long for in a relationship: excitement and anticipation. So don’t always call exactly when you say you will. Invite her over to take her out to dinner, and take her straight to the bedroom instead. Invite her over to get physical, and instead take her out to dinner. Are you beginning to get the picture?
3. Make her earn it
- I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying that states that “people don’t value what they don’t have to work for.” Well, the same holds true for women and dating. If you’re putting in all of the effort in the relationship, she won’t value you or appreciate your time. So make sure she’s calling you as much if not more often then you’re calling her. Have her come over to your house and pick you up every once in a while, and ask her to help you out with small favors here and there. The more work she puts into the relationship, the more she’ll value it -- and the more she’ll want to get out of it (and that includes sex).
2. Make a move
- After she’s proved herself to you, it’s time to be a man and make a move. Women don’t respect a man who doesn’t have the guts to go for that first kiss -- or anything else -- so don’t let her down. Making a move will make her feel sexy and attractive, and it will show her that you are the type of confident, powerful man she is looking for.
1. Be casual
- The last thing a woman wants is a guy who starts calling her 10 times a day after they’ve had a fun night out. If you start acting like you’re ready for marriage after the first date -- or even the fifth -- you might as well have the words “I’m desperate!” tattooed across your forehead. Instead, keep things cool. Don’t rush into anything, and let her be the one to take things to the next level. She’ll respect you more and you’ll have a far better chance of ending up in the great relationship you are looking for.
P.S. aha~ overrated!.

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